Thursday 14 November 2013




Ok, well if truth be told, it was a cross between the perfect carlsberg moment and a touch of faulty towers. Yes, the Kenny’s had their first family camping trip and survived :-)
Not only did we survive, but we had a magical time and precious family memories were made.
“Back in the days” pre- kids, myself and Mr. Kenny were, what you would call, biker campers. we would camp at biker festivals, which usually involved a long spin on hubby’s motorbike, across the seas to the Bulldog bash. A weekend of drink, music, and festival fun.
So with this being our first experience of proper camping; as in, family camping. We weren’t quite sure what to expect or bring, so we brought what seemed like, half the house with us. Rain gear, sunny gear, airbeds, gazillions of sleeping bags and pillows, lamps, lights, toolbox, and what seemed like, half the kitchen.
We bought a camp stove and a cool fold out picnic bench last week. The picnic benches are genius. I never seen one before Nana showed us hers, that she had bought years ago and we borrowed twice from her recently, so we were delighted to spot them in Tescos last week, for a very reasonable 33 euro, so we snapped it up. Argos sell them too, as seen below.
I highly recommend it. They are easy to fold up and don’t take up much room and comfortably fit a family of four.
Funnily enough, every tent seemed to have one outside.
We wanted the kids to experience a proper camping adventure, so we packed up the cooler box, dry food box and snacks and treats. I made homemade soup, a quiche and a yummy apple pie just before we left, for a few home comforts and off we set, on our great adventure into the wild :-) .
After a three hour car journey, through some stunning scenery, we arrived at Actons beach side camping site. Wow is all I can say. scenery is breath taking.
We purposely chose a site that didn’t have a playground, as to me, the whole purpose of this trip, was for family fun and a chance to switch off from modern life and go back to nature. If we were on a site with a playground, the kids would just want to be pushed on the swings for hours on end and sure our garden here resembles a playground, as it is.
What Acton’s provide is way better.
Acton’s Camping and Caravanning Park is located on a private secluded beach at the estuary of Streamstown Bay. Unique to the park is an eco-system called ‘machair’, listed as a priority habitat in Ireland under the EU Habitats Directive. This is a highly specialized and complex sand dune habitat system that is confined globally to the north West Coast of Ireland and Scotland. It comprises a flat or gently undulating sandy plain that develops in an oceanic location with a cool, moist climate resulting in rich bio-diversity, flora and fauna of importance can be seen throughout the park.
We were greeted by the lovely Tatjana and Kris and after a tour of the site, we were shown our choice of pitches. We chose a sheltered pitch, as we had what we call, a fair weather tent.
(Note to oneself.. Never buy tent online, unless you have seen the type of tent before and know that it is good. the word “bargain” isn’t always a good thing).
We pitched our tent and had our dinner, before exploring the site further. The beach is amazing. Gorgeous white sand and on that evening, we had the whole beach to ourselves.
After lots of fresh sea air, we settled back in the tent and got some sleep. The kids were great. Understandably, they were giddy as they had never slept in a tent before and also because they were sharing an air bed.
I, however didn’t sleep too well. It was so windy outside and our tent really wasn’t designed for such weather.
The Saturday morning, we were up early and made a cooked breakfast. There is something lovely about eating your brekkie outdoors, listening to the sound of the waves and breathing in the smell of fresh summer air.
After brekkie and freshening up, we took a walk along the beach and jumped through the waves, made sand castles and collected shells.